Valedictory Speech by Lawal Saheed Adesile, Department of Physiology ,FUTA’S BEST GRADUATING STUDENT 2018/2019 ACADEMIC SESSION with 4.92 CGPA delivered at the 31st Convocation Ceremony on Friday December 20, 2019
The Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor, I adopt the already observed protocols. All praises and adoration be to Almighty God for giving us the opportunity to witness this special day.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will always believe that it is stupid” -Albert Einstein. Today marks the end of our four or five year’s journey and hoping for a day like this to come. Here we are today, the graduating set of 2018/2019 academic session. I feel honored and privileged standing here as the valedictorian of today despite having scholars of great intellectual capacity among us. It is an honor to represent you all.
Few years ago, I gained admission into this great institution of learning. I set my goals the first day I stepped into this campus. It was a Sunday evening, I viewed the campus from the entrance and told myself these three quotes: “anything that is worth doing at all is worth doing well”, “believe in yourself, there is no limit of what you can achieve”, “always aim for the best”. I entered into the campus with the aim of achieving the best in anything I lay my hands on. Here I am today, the best graduating student of FUTA class’19, Alhamdulillah. Indeed, whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve!
Today is a very great day in our lives as it marks the end of the stress of being undergraduates. To say the fact, it was not easy. Indeed, nothing ever worthwhile is easy. Flashing back to those days of struggles in 100 level. Are we to talk of the stress of carrying MEE board? Farming activities for CSP 210, trekking from Obanla to Obakekere and vice versa, days of sleepless night, amidst others. I remember a night I went for an overnight reading in the school, it rained and it was very cold. I was feeling cold, I couldn’t assimilate and couldn’t sleep, and all I could do was watch my freezing arms and feet. In fact, I give the warmest congratulations to the graduating set of this year, for making it through to this stage. We indeed fought and won our battles.
My fellow graduands, the few years we spent on this campus has impacted a lot in our lives. The University trained us academically and character-wise. Let us be good ambassadors of this great University anywhere we find ourselves. We are products of confidence, we are products of hard work, we are products of struggle, and we are products of diligence. Let us try to build on the trainings we received in this great institution. According to Tsem Tulku, “What you are today is the choice you made yesterday”. Remember, where you are today is as a result of yesterday’s effort and your efforts today will determine where you will be tomorrow. Though life is challenging but you have to keep on pushing, make sure you put all your efforts in anything you lay your hands on, and upon all, rely on Almighty God. Being a graduate is an important achievement in life, but beyond this stage, there are lots to achieve. The sky is no longer the limit, it is the beginning. Always think out of the box. In fact, men could not have landed on the moon had they limited their thinking beneath the sky. Always be humble and self-reliant.
To the current undergraduates, note that university is a place where you gather your efforts to achieve your long waited dreams. Do not be carried away by the pleasure of this great institution, do not embrace rioting, be students of good character you were known for at home and be humble.
Beware of the kind of friends you keep because they determine a lot about you. An adage says “show me your friends and I will tell you who you are”. Follow excellence and success will chase you.
On behalf of the 2019 graduating students, I congratulate our parents, guardians, family and friends. We really appreciate your support throughout our study in this great institution. Education they say is the best legacy, you already gave us something that is worth more than billions of inheritance. We will always make you proud.
On behalf of the graduating set of 2019, I appreciate the relentless efforts of the school management – our Chancellor, the Pro Chancellor, our ever able Vice Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Fuwape, the Deputy Vice Chancellors, all other Principal Officers of the University and the teaching and non-teaching staff. Special appreciation to all our lecturers in this great institution. Thank you for making this institution a great place to learn. We promise to make this institution proud. FUTA is indeed “home away from home”.
My gratitude also goes to Physiology class’19, SHHT class’19 and FUTA class’19 at large, I still cherish our unity, and you are indeed wonderful to be with. Let’s go out there and make an impact. To the Muslim Community and Muslims Students’ Society of Nigeria (MSSN) FUTA, thanks for your support and prayers. To the Christian Community, thank you for your support and prayers.
On behalf of the graduating set of 2019, we show gratitude to every other person who contributed directly or indirectly to our success as undergraduates, we cannot enumerate them all. Thank you for coming to rejoice with us today. May Almighty God reward you abundantly.
Finally, the sky is not always white, it is sometimes blue, dark or white. Whichever it shows you, always try to make the best out of it. As graduates, let us be conscious that the future is full of uncertainties and challenges, just make sure you put your efforts in all you do, think before you leap and stay humble. Colin Powell once said “a dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hardwork”. Now this is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning. Thank you all once again for coming to witness this special day.
God bless FUTA!
God bless Ondo State!!
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!